Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Post Wedding

Wow it’s been an eventful past couple of months—like really, my life has been so crazy busy I’ve been just trying to do my best to keep up with it! Haha well where do I even start. . .
Morgan and I got sealed together for time and all eternity on June 19th in the St. George LDS Temple. It was such a special day for us! Thank you everyone that contributed to making it such a perfect day! Later that evening, we arrived early for the reception to get some fun family pictures in before the guests arrived. . . but to our dismay, the wind was blowing so strong outside that we couldn’t even have any of the flowers or pictures out there—we had to wait till the wind stopped blowing to set up a ton of the decorations outside, which fortunately for us- calmed down about 15 min prior to show time. We were all in a panic trying to get everything ready, and of course there were all the early birds approaching our driveway. . . and I’m in the big white dress, so there’s really not any way for me to just look invisible until I’m ready. That’s kinda the sign for people at weddings . . . just look towards the big white dress, all the other people you came to see will probably be standing somewhere near that. . . and you know that you must pass through them to get to the food. I didn’t know where to stand, and we hadn’t even formed the line yet—
By 7:30 (the time that we were actually scheduled to start the reception) we were all there, finally in line— everything about as in order as it was going to get. I couldn’t have been more pleased with the outcome of the reception— I missed a few of my friends. . . but it’s impossible to find a day that’s convenient for everyone. Morgan couldn’t have looked more handsome, the weather couldn’t have been better—especially for June in St. George—we totally lucked out! The band was Amazing— so much talent! Their repertoire was a perfect mix of our favorite songs! My sister’s and mother couldn’t have looked more gorgeous. My Aunts and cousins couldn’t have been any more adorable as those giggling girls in the kitchen prepared our yummy desserts. Jamaica did a fabulous job at copying the cake from the picture I showed her—so pretty.

The flowers were so full and lush! Our sweet little nieces and nephew were so fun to watch spinning on the dance floor.I hadn't seen my one and only niece for almost a year, and she'd grown up so much!

All the video’s our friend Alan White made for us were just awesome— What as special treat that was for us!
The finishing touch was all of our sweet friends and family’s smiling faces there, loving and supporting us— what more could've we asked for!

We left the next morning right after church to head up to Park City for our honeymoon in our new car! haha just kidding, I wish! We just parked next to this car on our honeymoon, and I decided that if I had to. . . I could be persuaded to run my errands in a vehicle like that--easily! The drive went by quickly; time fly's when you're having fun. It’s so much fun being married to your best friend ;)

We headed home on Wednesday and then spent the rest of that evening packing up our stuff. We woke up early the next morning and went to get a new drivers license with my new name on it. Then we went and ran a few more errands and started packing some more. Our plan was originally to leave about noonish but we didn’t leave 'till after 6.

This trailer was packed clear full! There's a couch in there, and my harp, and tons of other fun stuff. . . luckily we were able to make it all fit;)

The trailer took a while to pack and we had to be really careful driving with it, so we had to go extra slow. We drove to Vegas, then heading towards Laughlin we had something fly down right in front of us and slam into our grill. Fuzz said that he thought it was an owl or something. We just continued to drive for another ten minutes or so and then we came to a rest stop. Fuzz wanted to go get a treat or something and see if there was any damage to the front of the truck---- I watched as he made his way towards the front of the truck, where his eyes got huge, “Babe, the owl’s still here!” It made me just sick. I was way sad that the bird had to fly down and get killed, and sad because it broke Fuzz’s grill on his truck- I’ve waited years for this truck to become half mine and it breaks within my first week of my part-ownership! I got out just enough to peak at the damage--- I saw the bird mounted to the front of the truck with his huge wings outstretched. That was about all that my tummy could take—I had to hop back in the truck and keep my hand over my mouth to muffle my girly squeals—when I see sick things like that, I can’t help but freak out—I don’t like to, but I just do—I just blame it on being a girl—and sometimes us girls just do silly things.

I was being a baby and wouldn't go take a picture of the dead bird on the front of the truck, so I found one that looked just like it-- really, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that this the actual bird we hit! See how big these wings are--
Fuzz pried the owl off and threw it on the side of the road—so so sad. I know, we should have at least buried it, but it was so late, and we had so much more driving to do. We stopped in Laughlin to stay the night. I don’t recall ever even passing through that city; it was like a mini Las Vegas.

The room was really nice though and we were able to get some good sleep so we’d be able to get up early the next morning. Well the sleep was good. . . we just got a little too much of it. Yea, we both slept through the alarm. . . and so we didn’t end up leaving until about 7:30 when we were planning on leaving closer to 5:00.

Are we there yet? Almost? . . .

We could see this rainbow from the freeway, and weren't surprised to find that the pot of gold at the end of this rainbow was literally right in the middle of Las Cruces, a beautiful city just outside of El Paso. I have a very good friend that use to live there, and so I wasn't surprised to find it at the end of a rainbow. . . having heard about what a special place this city is.

With the trailer on the back preventing us from going as fast as we would have liked to. . . and the traffic all through Phoenix, our journey was delayed so much that by the time that we got to El Paso that night, the office was closed at our apartment so we weren’t able to sign the lease and pick up our key. It was probably a good thing though because we were both so tired that I think we would have been too exhausted anyways to unpack the entire trailer, and we didn’t have our bed yet, we still needed to go and pick it up from the place that we’d purchased it. The office wouldn't be open until about 10 which was fine because we were able to sleep in a little bit, and still have time for Fuzz's hair cut. He'd been able to let it grow while he was on his one month leave, but now it will have to be super short again, until he's finished with the army.

This was my first haircut I've ever done on a guy. I got half way through and decided that this looked good enough. . . just kidding. . .


We quickly unloaded the trailer and then went and picked up our bed, washer and dryer and then went to Fuzz’z barrack’s to pick up all of his stuff.
Our living room was so full that night with boxes and just stuff—I wasn’t sure we’d be able to find room for it all. Well it’s been about a couple weeks now, and we’re just about there. We just have a few more boxes to sift through and we’ll be finished with that. . . maybe we’ll be able to finally hang up some pictures!
Our 4th of July was awesome! Lacked a few fireworks—though, we saw one illegal one in a neighborhood as we drove past—but that was about it for us this year. We were going to go to a baseball game the night before and see fireworks there at the end of the game . . . but our one hour nap turned into about a four hour nap. . . and we totally missed the game. We have a buddy that is getting married next month so he moved in the same weekend as us to his apartment. He had invited us over for a BBQ and to show us his new place-- so cute. And the food was yummy too! We were lucky because Fuzz had Friday and also Monday off work so it was a super fun filled weekend! We’re still exploring our area, and just loving it more and more every day. We’re within about 15 min of two of our church's, a Super Target, couple of Walmart's, Joanne’s fabric store, a ton of our favorite restaurants, the movie theater, our bank, Marshall’s, Ross, Best Buy, Bed Bath and Beyond, and this way cool store called World Market. . . just to name a few of our fav’s.

This is Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. This city is adjacent to El Paso, just on the other side of the the border. It's crazy how different this city is from El Paso. The first time I saw Juarez I turned to Fuzz and said, wow that looks like Mexico over there! Fuzz turned to me and said kindly, "That's because it is Mexico." I couldn't believe that we were so close to it. I asked where the border was and Fuzz pointed down towards this tiny little stream, really-- so tiny, and said, "That's it." Yea, I can't believe that people get shot crossing that! It's not like I expected a Great Wall of China to segregate the two countries, but this looked like hardly anything!

The closest temple to us is just over the border in Juarez, which is a very dangerous city, with an estimated 8-10 murders occurring daily with all the drug wars going on, it's insane! We aren't even allowed to go over there because there's a rule that no men in the military can even cross the border. So now we get to travel about 4 hours to the closest temple. We were spoiled living in St. George, less than ten minutes away from the temple. Even in New York the temple was less than 5 miles away--
We'll be fine, we'll just have to plan out our trips to the temple so that Fuzz can submit his paperwork to leave El Paso for the weekend. We're aiming for once a month. . . which really shouldn't be a problem. We'll make it work!

We are so blessed to live where we do and thus far to have everything work out as well as it has—knock on wood. Here is a picture of one of our beautiful sunsets. Every night the sunset is just gorgeous, all different colors, just so so pretty!

Our ward is awesome—we’re excited to get to know more people in it. It was so funny going our first Sunday in that ward, and bumping into one of my buddies that I worked with for a couple years in UT at Pizza Factory. She was there with her husband and her cute baby. They were just down here because her husband is selling security systems for the summer. I haven’t seen her for years, and then I run into her in Texas of all places—crazy. Well I probably better go and finish unpacking—hopefully the next post will say that I’ve finally finished! We’ll stay hopeful-

1 comment:

  1. I really can't believe you didn't take a picture of the owl. Glad you're having so much fun. Can't wait for a little virtual tour of your first home together! ;)
