Sunday, October 11, 2009

Team in Training SHOUT-OUT!

If you look up on the right hand corner of my blog you'll see a small link to my site for Team in Training. I have loved being a part of this team! I've never been a runner but knew the second that I heard about this that it was something that I wanted/needed to be a part of. We are earning money for the Leukemia, Lymphoma Society, to help finance cures for cancer. I am running with people that actually have cancer-- they claim to need us, but I'm telling you, these people are changing my life! We train as a group twice a week and also on our own. I've been able to see various parts of the city that I never even knew were there! To think I might have lived here and never seen them! I started this training with about 2 miles being my limit-- never having really pushed myself much farther than that, but yesterday we were suppose to run 6 miles in Central park, and I kinda missed the turn off the trail on my way back...totally got lost talking to some other runners- but got an extra great workout! I felt great at the time, but my body reminded me later that this was something I'd never done to it before...I totally crashed, my bed and blankets never felt so comfortable mmm... So there are some in our group that are running the full marathon, either in Phoenix, Miami, or Orlando in Disney World-- and then there are half marathons with each of those. I'm signed up for the Orlando half marathon in January-- And to my surprise. . . the fundraising is turning out to be more challenging then the running! I'm trying to earn the bulk of it by early November. It's at that time that we have to tell them whether or not we think we'll be able to earn the rest of the money, so that they can book our flights and hotel for the race. So everyone please tell all your friends and family--- your work could also be a great sponsor! Okay-- so there's my plug on Team in Training;)

1 comment:

  1. What a great cause! Good for you, Channing. I ran my first half marathon in September and you are much younger and in way better shape than me so I'm sure you will do great. So glad to see more of the family with a blog :) Great way to keep in touch.
