After my run in Brooklyn this morning-- I headed back to Manhattan and another park, Central Park. I had seen advertisement for this festival in the park earlier this morning, and was curious to come see all the fun stuff first hand! There was this massive line of people to get into a pumpkin patch! They would all get a free pumpkin to take home-- one per person, isn't that great?! I didn't nave time to stand in the line, but had fun watching all of these little kids trade pumpkins-- eye them with a spin to make sure that they were the perfect one! It was a fun family affair-- and we can never have enough of those, especially here in the city, where families are so seldom seen it's nice to be reminded that they're still here;)
They had all different kinds of fun activities for kids. There were face paintings, games, concerts . . . fall markets . . . and more!
Did you know that there is such thing as professional pumpkin carvers--? Well now ya do, and here's a picture of one of them! He was carving peoples faces on their pumpkins too!