Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mom's Visit & Our Pancake Brunch!

  We were so excited to have my mom come visit us! It so randomly got insanely cold for the entire time she was here, and then immediately went back to pool weather the day after--- crazy. While she was here we went all over Lubbock showing her some of our favorite friends, neighborhoods, stores, and of course. . . restaurants.

Here we are at McAllister's Deli-- one of our fav's!
And Orlando's. . . best local Italian.
 We were able to all go shopping together to get all that we needed for our Sunday morning pancake brunch. It was ridiculously cold that morning so we moved it all indoors instead of in our freezing back yard—it was so cold and stormy I half expected we’d wake to find snow! But we didn’t. It was still way too chilly to even try it outdoors so we all just got cozy and made it work.  We started getting ready the night before while Fuzz was at his Priesthood session and went late into the night.
We woke up bright and early to mix our prepped batches, and take care of all the last minute preparations.
 Fuzz was taken aside and trained by the pancake flipping expert—my mom, and given the assignment of pouring and flipping all the different pancake batters--- he did amazing! They all turned out perfect! Now that we know about his mad pancake flipping skills, for future reference-- I’m putting him to work!
We made all different kinds of pancakes, syrups, and sauces:

And my new favorite. . . Lemon Poppy Seed!
We were suprised at how punctual so many of our friends are--bright and early Sunday morning, 9 o'clock sharp-- some even came early to help out-- thanks guys! We were glad so many of our friends could make it!


We made a Cheesecake Sauce, homemade Buttermilk, Caramel Sauce, and a Frosting Glaze. Yums~!

We were so crammed for space we had another serving table in our kitchen-- with our fruit, bacon, sausage, and eggs.


I was so glad Mom could be there for it! She was such a Huge help! It was super fun baking together;) but even more fun introducing her to a bunch of our friends here in Lubbock.

This was a fun $1 store project! We made these the night before, just plates, candlestick holders, goblets, silicone glue, some spray paint. . .  and voila'! They worked great for displaying our pancakes.

 We made tons! We took some over to our neighbors, and friends. . . and still have tons! It's a good thing you can freeze pancakes;) We are set!
We enjoyed watching General Conference together, however we were so exhausted from the busy weekend that I’ve been replaying the different sessions all week reviewing and making sure we didn’t miss anything. As always, it was amazing. Surprisingly one of my favorite talks this time was actually from the Priesthood session—perhaps I recognize this as one of my most favorite talks because it’s my “most recent” fav, we listened to it together this morning, it was by Gary H. Stevenson entitled, "Be Valiant in Courage, Strength, and Activity."  So thought provoking and inspiring.
          Here’s a link for the entire General Conference:
This weekend we had the opportunity to participate in the PT Classic.
This was a charity run/ride that was put on by the students of the Physical Therapy Department at the Texas Tech Health Science Center. We wanted to go and support them in their cause, as all the proceeds of the benefit went to the UMC Burns Center, to help patients and their families. It started with a 5k which Fuzz signed up for.


 It took place in the beautiful Ransom Canyon, just as the sun was coming up. I was waiting for the race to get over as we would shortly begin the ride, when I saw my husband sprinting towards the finish line! He Won! I was so impressed!
He took a little breather and then made a quick costume change into his cycling uniform and then before we knew it we were off. It was a 25 mile bike ride, that started with perfect weather, and then came the wind. I was sure it would go away sooner or later, and there were moments when it did, but for almost the entire ride it was as if we were pedaling through mud. It was a good workout though! We trudged through it and just enjoyed being together and the beautiful scenery out there. We made pretty good time considering the elements;) and had a blast!

Fuzz wasn't concerned about winning this race, he told me he just wanted to go on a ride with his wife;) So he brought his camera and took pics along the way. Here is one of the millions of cotton fields we rode past-- so pretty!





Before mom came we kept busy with a few projects:
We have white grout--- biggest mistake ever!!!!!! It is impossible to keep clean and up until now impossible to clean. We've bought different cleansers made specifically for grout-- what a waste of money-- perhaps they were created for a different kind of grout than mine, but didn't work at all. So I saw this on pinterest-- of all places, ha thats where I find everything;) This recipe is genius!!!!! Baking Soda and Bleach, stir until it becomes a watery paste. . .  then scrub scrub scrub!
Isn't this amazing!!!!
Another project. . . Fuzz had redone the tile in our bathrooms a year and a half ago when we moved in, but recently we've noticed some water damage as the tile was becoming uneven we could tell the boards underneath were beginning to warp. He said this wouldn't do for Coleen since this would be her bathroom while she was here so he tore almost all of it out and redid it with all new backer boards.

Here's my most recent project. I've been meaning to put some sort of DIY sign on that wall, and I finally did it. Fuzz and I went to go purchase a few boards like this for projects and when we went to pay for everything the kid at the counter informed us that there were a ton of boards like what we were looking at the back for a buck or two a piece! He saved us like thirty bucks from what we'd planned on getting! I love home depot. I've seen these signs about, but they range anywhere from 20-60 bucks. So I used some left over stain from the cupboard, a lil black craft paint, made stencils by printing out the sign on my printer in a very faded pink (to save ink) and then cut them all out and traced them onto my board, turned on a tv show and painted away. I sprayed a clear top coat and tada! Cost me just a couple bucks!

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