Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pumpkin Time of Year

So I've been trying to keep busy with projects -having so much more free time on my hands than I'm use to. We got this couch for free but it was like a blue faded plaid, so I decided I'd recover it. I ran out of fabric half way through and had to wait till the fabric went half off again-- so that I could finally finish haha-- so here it is! That black pillow was another project-- I've learned that for the most part, learning to do projects like this can really save a ton of money!

This is an awesome picture of Fuzz ;) We bought some ear candling candles a while ago and finally put them to use. I had never done this before, it was odd-- but actually really cool. The candles are hollowed and you just light the candle and it creates like a vacuum effect and cleans out your ear canals by sucking out the wax into the hollow candle-- you can see it when you're finished and I took pictures, but it kinda looks gross-- so I didn't post them. But you can do it at home and see for yourselves ;)

We went with some of our friends to a corn maze pumpkin fest-- it was so much fun! It was kind or more aimed towards entertaining the children, which we were the only ones of our friends without any, but it was fun to be with everyone else and watch their kids have so much fun.

Here Fuzz is sling-shooting baby pumpkins aiming at the target, scarecrows, and donkeys that were down there. The guys we were with kept over shooting and launching the pumpkins over the target-- the kid that worked there was loosing his patience with them as he continued to say, "Yea-- it's not suppose to go over. Stop doing that." But everyone was just acting like big kids, just with a lot more strength!

Here's Fuzz with his buddy Harp, keepin an eye on the kids.

Doesn't Fuzz's haircut look great!!! haha So the other day we had to stop in the middle of what we were doing to go get Fuzz a haircut because the new unit that he's in is a lot more strict, and he's having to get his hair cut just about every week or two. Every time he goes and gets his hair cut here, and when he was in New York too, he complains that they do a terrible job, and it drives him crazy! He's very particular about his hair, and likes for it to look nice, so it's so frustrating when he looks in the mirror and sees obvious mistakes when he just paid to get his hair done. So. . . all this hair cutting kind of adds up after a while, and I was telling him to think about how much he spends a year getting terrible haircuts. And then to think about over the course of his life how much he'll spend. My mom has always cut our hair, and when we wanted something wild and crazy then we went out to the salon-- but that was very seldom. I try to think about how much she might have spent had she taken all six of us in and paid good money every time we needed a haircut. Wow-- that would have been a ton of money! So I came up with this brilliant idea. . . I suggested that he let me just try. . . and if he hated it he could just buzz his head like half the other guys in the army do every day anyways. And he gets terrible haircuts most the time anyways from the salon's here, so I kinda felt like he didn't have much to lose letting me try it out. One random night after this conversation, he comes to me and says, "Okay I'm ready to let you cut my hair, right now." I was kinda caught off guard-- and so nervous because I'd never done a fade before-- but he was incredibly patient with me as I took like over an hour to make sure ever strand of hair was just the perfect length. And can you believe, he actually liked it. Even if he were to tell me he didn't-- I have eyes and I've seen his previous haircuts from the places that he gets it cut here-- and it looked dang good! Okay now that I've said this, I'm probably going to be jinxed and never be able to do this again ;) like when I learned to parallel park, and had never practiced before I was in the car with my driving instructor, so I just pretended like I knew what I was doing and I did it -- like perfect-- and have never been able to do it again, not even on my driving test. Hopefully this haircutting thing will be different.


  1. We haven't done anything for halloween yet! I'm kind of bummed. It looks like you guys are having such a blast!! Miss ya!

  2. Good job on the seat cover. That's a big project. Don' t you love pumpkin patches! They're so fun, we didn't get to go this year and I was totally bummed. I hear you had a very eventful Halloween. We love you guys, can't wait to see you at Christmas.

  3. I can't wait to see you at Christmas too!! (I think we might be invited to go play in the snow with you!!)
    I think you are the most beautiful cow I've EVER seen!
    Julie does those ear candles on me... but she doesn't use the foil!!! I swear my hair is going to catch fire!!
    And I've always cut my boys hair... what's a week if you screw it up? Although I don't think I ever really have. :) HAHAHA!

  4. HEy do you live in texas? LEt me know so do Josh and I!
