A couple weeks ago was Fathers Day, and an extra special Fathers Day for Fuzz and I because that was also our 1 Year Anniversary! We were asked to actually speak that Sunday in our Ward and introduce ourselves, as well as share with the congregation a little bit about our Fathers. It was fun to get to sit down and think about what kind of a Father I'd been blessed with-- wow, how'd I get so lucky. Here are a few segments of my shpeal about Fathers, and a little of what makes my dad so special to me. . .
Last Sunday, Sister Thompson had asked me to sub as Primary Chorister for her because she was going to be out of town. As we were practicing our song for Sunday on Fathers, we included within our activity a segment where all the children participating got to share with us something special to them about their dad-- we got all kinds of fun responses! "My dad takes care of me, my dad plays catch with me, my dad is funny, my dad spends time with me, my dad protects me, my dad tells me he loves me. How blessed these sweet children are to have such great Fathers that they love and care so much for.
As I listened to their responses I couldn't help but think of how I would respond to that question. There are so many things that make my dad special-- and today I'd like to share a few of those things with you.
My dad has always made a special effort to let us know how much he loves us. He makes sure to not only show us-- but tell us too! At night my dad would make sure we were all in bed and tell us goodnight, and remind us that he loves us. In addition to that, he would often tell us bedtime stories, including, "Percy the Pop Belly Pig" a silly fictional character he'd created to entertain us to sleep--( my dad is the Greatest storyteller by the way! Haha each character would have their own unique voice, so we could just close our eyes and imagine their adventures. He'd tell us about Percy, Licky, and Rose, and Percy's family -- the Jones'. This was something that our dad did that helped us to feel so loved by him. We knew he was exhausted at the end of his workday and would have to repeat his impromptu story going from the bedroom to bedroom so that we could all hear it. It was a simple sweet thing that he did, that meant the world to us!
My dad is the friendliest, most Christlike person I know. There was an artist that lived in our ward, Del Parson, that would paint pictures using the members of our ward as models for his paintings. At a very young age I remember him using my dad as a model for a painting he did of Jesus Christ with his apostles--- this was a tangible visual of my dad representing Christ.
Whenever I see that picture, I think of how Fervently in every aspect of his life, my dad strives to emulate the Savior. In all that he says and does he takes thought and while remaining human, with inevitable mortal imperfections, he still exceeds the epitome of perfection in my eyes. He is one of those people that just makes you feel special, in all of his callings he exceeds any and all expectations of rendering service to those whom he works with, and also who stand in need of it.
He's one of those people that is always involved in the community. He saw a need for my brother having been the football captain of his team but after injury to his leg, and lack of enthusiasm based on the crude and discouraging remarks and attitudes conveyed from his coaches and teammates, decided football wasn't his thing. My dad got a bunch of people involved and began a rugby team at his high school! This was a huge undertaking, involving lots of fundraisers, paperwork, organized trips up to northern Utah for tournaments and games, BBQ's etc. This has been a tremendous blessing for my little brother! He's been surrounded by positive influences because of it. In rugby, your team is your family. If you have to miss a practice for something family oriented, there are no if, and's, or buts about it--- you be with your family, period. Lack of food-sportsmanship is not at all tolerated, and without even a warning you will be kicked out of the game for it, this goes for parents and fans as well.

This is just one example of my dad recognizing a need and doing everything in his power to help resolve it in any way that he could.
For Christmas this past year, my dad, and his family-owned business recognized a need, and started a drive to help the Shivwit's Indian tribe be able to have a Christmas for their families--he coordinated everything and made assignments. Fuzz and I got to help shop for presents and then wrap them with some of my other siblings. My dad got to go with Santa to deliver the presents to the families. Among them was a family with a little boy who was dying from cancer, who knows how many more Christmas's he'd be able to celebrate here with his sweet loving family.
Anyways, it's just things like that, that are a normal thing for my dad. This is just the kind of person he is. I came across a note a while back that apparently my dad had saved from a young boy that was really struggling in various aspects of his life, including his activity in the church. I remember my dad trying to include him in activities as he was over the young men of the ward, I remember him especially reaching out to him, -- I read the note. . . "Brother Sevy. . . . Thank you!" He thanked him for including him and told him what a great leader he was. I can only imagine how much that meant to my dad; I couldn't believe that THAT kid had written that letter to him. He knew that my dad sincerely loved and cared about him, and I know that my dad's efforts significantly influenced this kid for good.
My dad would always encourage us to be kind to others. Every day when we'd leave for school-- I'd hear my dad yell to us down the sidewalk "Be a friend to someone that needs one!" We'd always respond "kaaaayyyyy we will!" And we always tried to. We'd look for "the one" the one sitting alone at lunch, or recess, or wherever else-- and we'd try our best to "be a friend" to them.
My dad would meet just about every guy I ever went out with before I ever left for a date-- not with his shot gun, I don't think he even owns one of those, but because he sincerely cared to get to know them and would be very optimistic with them, test a lil bit of his dry humor on them and then candidly ask em what we'd be doing and about when he could expect me home ;) always with a smile. Several times my dad would hurry home to see me off to a dance or a date, it was something important to him, and really meant a lot to me, and I know it meant a lot to my sisters too.

On Sundays we'd wake to Sunday music playing in our home, as to set the mood for the spirit of the Sabbath day. My dad would remind us all throughout the day that it was Sunday and encourage us to write in our journals, read our scriptures or another good book-- if we did watch a movie on TV he'd always say. . . "Is this Sunday appropriate?" :) he'd encourage us to write letters to missionaries, and just fill our day with wholesome uplifting activities. One other special thing that he did was take us aside every once in a while on Sundays and give us an interview-- not anything scary, just ask us how we were doing, what our goals were, and our plan to accomplish them-- he'd ask about the progress on previous goals. He'd ask us on a scale of 1-10 what our relationship was with our Heavenly Father and with the Savior--- every time I felt like I could be doing even better. He would give us an opportunity to discuss our concerns with him or just talk about whatever--he was always a very good listener.
My dad is a worthy Priesthood holder. He was always giving us blessings when we were sick or starting school, or faced with some pretty significant decisions. He always made it a point for us to be kind and respect our mother. He showed us by how he treated her, and us.

He always worked hard, and never once did I find him sitting on the couch watching TV when there was work to be done-- I seldom ever saw him sitting period. He loves to be active and for the past 30 years or so he's woken up 2 or 3 times a week at like 5:30 to go play basketball with a bunch of guys up at the church. He would wake all of us up and get us upstairs to say our family prayer before he left no matter how ornery or tired we were, he'd tickle our ties or threaten us with a glass of cold water hung over us, or turn every light on every light in our room, but he'd make sure that we got up and out of bed for family prayers and scriptures. What a blessing that has been for our family!
My dad served his mission in Australia, and we've been blessed to be able to grow up listening to stories about his mission. I think that Brittan has always just been planning on serving a mission, but I think that my dad's example played a significant part in that. Brittan's been out since February and wow-- what tremendous growth we've seen in him in such a short time.
I want to share an excerpt from one of his most recent letters home. . .
" Wow, Heavenly Father is very much near me, I feel his love like crazy! I'm SO grateful for him and all that he does, I am the luckiest Missionary in the whole world!
The other day we were biking and had an appointment cancel... so I said well elder Flora lets knock on some doors... where should we knock?... he said, you pick, you are the more spiritual one . . . I quickly slowed down and stopped, looked at him and said, "What is that suppose to mean?" then he went on telling me how he doesn't really have a desire anymore to do missionary work. How after all the hard work that he has put in to it he just doesn't feel like he really has gotten anything back. . . . my heart sank, and I listened to him, I just told him that I would do any and everything to help him. . . . he acted like that would never do anything and like it was hopeless. . . we quietly went on with the rest of the day.
What am I going to do...... I thought what would my dad do, and then I thought of all of dads missionary stories....I came to a conclusion... my dad would love him with all his heart! and this is what I have been doing! ...thanks dad;)
And oh what miracles I have seen in this short time so far! I have been praying and fasting and trusting Heavenly Father, knowing that he would help me through this trial! And he has. Nothing drastic but I have seen a change of hear in him and it blows my mind. I will just keep praying and praying for him and hope he will continue! Wow it's just awesome!
I love this gospel sooooo much! it's amazing and changes lives like nobody's business!!!!!"
Growing up whenever we were naughty or misbehaved, he was always good at helping us see what we did was wrong and encourage us to be our very best selves. Just the look of disappointment in his eyes when we did something wrong was torture enough because we knew we'd let him down, we knew that we knew better. He would often ask us, what could I have done better, or I'm sorry I let you down! EVEN though it would OUR fault! Or when he knew he'd taught us something, he'd just ask us why? to which we never had a great answer. I always felt like I needed to do right to show him that he had taught us right. I know that if I was dishonest that it would misrepresent my family, and hurt my parents well respected reputations-- I always felt like it was just "not honoring my parents" if I went against their council and did something I knew was wrong.
I feel like this is similar to how our Heavenly Father is when we sin, or make bad choices. I feel like he hopes that we will learn from the mistakes that we've made and because of our respect and love for him, choose not to repeat those same mistakes again. We represent him, and his church and when we do sin, we are tainting the reputation of our church, with is Perfect, even though it's members may not be. We show our honor and love for Him in the way that we Choose to live our lives. Love is an action word.
I had an experience a while back to leave home and move out to New York City. I was so excited to go but knew that it was going to be easily the hardest thing I'd ever done. I was going alone. That night in Las Vegas when I said goodbye to my family I remember thinking, "WHAT AM I DOING???!!!" I never felt so alone in my whole life. I didn't have a job lined up, I was going to study music, and I didn't know exactly what I was going to do, but I knew that that this was what my Heavenly Father wanted me to do. I had to rely so heavily upon him. There were so many times when I was lost or confused or didn't know what to do that I couldn't for whatever reason lack of service or whatever, call my dad or mom and ask them for help. I HAD to rely on my relationship with my Heavenly Father, and he never let me down. It was one of the craziest neatest experiences of my life, I felt like he was my new best friend. I was constantly communicating with him, and being in such a vulnerable situation-- I knew I couldn't afford not to. I felt the love he had for me, and was constantly overwhelmed by it. This situation I was in forced our relationship to grow exponentially. I would never have know how close I could feel to him-- and knowing that I know that I can always be drawing myself even closer to him. This was one of the neatest blessings I took from that 2 year experience int New York and one I'll never forget.
I know that just as our Fathers love us, so does our Father in Heaven. I know that he wants more than anything for us to be happy. I encourage all of us to continue to nurture our relationships with our own personal fathers, as well as nurture that relationship with our Heavenly Father; watch that relationship flourish and grow and experience the joys that will fill your life when you do.
Well there is my shpeal on Fathers. I started this post about a week ago. . . but am not posting it till today. . . which is ironically my dads birthday! Happy Birthday Dad! Here's my shout out to you! Thanks for everything.
Well I hear Tara's about ready to pop, even though she's not due for 3 more weeks, the doctor says the baby could come any day. So Exciting!!! I swear it's a boy, she says that for much as it kicks around she sure it's a boy, either that, or a Channing-- ha I can't wait to find out~!
Tomorrow's the 4th of July. We sang America the Beautiful among other patriotic hymns at church and I couldn't help but notice reference to God repeatedly throughout the song. I was reading in Ether this morning about the Brother of Jared being told that he and his family would be led to the promised land, a land that was choice above all other lands. It was almost redundant how many times they repeated "the Promised land" . . . ."Choice above all other lands. . . which the Lord God had preserved." I remember thinking, " Why does it keep saying that. . ? and then thought "Because it is THAT big of a deal!" We live in THE promised land, a land of liberty, of freedom, of rights and privileges that we so often take for granted. I'm so grateful to live in this great Nation-- established under God, I know that it couldn't not have been established any other way. We are so blessed! I'm so glad to be an American-- to live Here in this beautiful place, and have so much gratitude for those that make the sacrifices to protect and preserve it.
We wish everyone the best as they celebrate our Independence Day tomorrow! Happy 4th y'all!